Co-starring: Alex Rocco as Sonny Monroe, Daniel Faraldo as Carrenza, Greg Collins as Billy Marquette, Holly Gagnier as Tina Marquette, Rich Balduzzi as Mick Halligan
Written by Stephen Katz
Directed by Michael O’Herlihy
The team help a boxer who is being forced to take a dive in an upcoming fight.
The attempts to move away from the standard A-Team formula continue with this rather bland but still reasonably entertaining tale. What it lacks in originality it makes up for in pace, keeping on the move in the first half with a succession of short sharp scenes.
Of course, these scenes don't do a great deal more than advance the plot of what is a fairly talky episode in which the only action to speak of is a couple of brief fistfights. There's an enjoyable scene in which Murdock (posing as BA's trainer) is threatened by crooked promoter Rocco in the back of a limo. Face is also called upon to do the most unusual form of safecracking you're ever likely to see.
A final boxing match takes up much of the final third which is fine if you like boxing and though the restrictive sets and lighting hide the absence of a large crowd, they also rob the scenes of any kind of believability. Watchable but nothing more. 6/10
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